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Participate in Burnaby Mountain Gondola engagement, Nov. 6–19

Participate in Burnaby Mountain Gondola engagement, Nov. 6–19

You’re invited to take part in public engagement for the Burnaby Mountain Gondola, online and in-person between Nov. 6 and 19!

Take the survey at We want to hear from you on:

  • Understanding trips to/from Burnaby Mountain
  • Identifying and minimizing potential environmental impacts
  • Design components including cabins, towers, and terminals
Burnaby Mountain Gondola Upper Terminal Rendering
A rendering of what the Burnaby Mountain Gondola’s upper terminal could look like if the project moves ahead.

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About the Burnaby Mountain Gondola

The Burnaby Mountain Gondola is part of the Mayors’ Council’s 10-year Access for Everyone Plan. This engagement will support the development of the project’s business case, which includes technical analysis and gondola design.

The Burnaby Mountain Gondola would provide fast, frequent, and reliable service for the 25,000 daily trips made by SFU students, staff, faculty, visitors, and residents of UniverCity – which is expected to have a population of 9,500 in the coming years.

Gondola cabins would depart every minute, carrying more people up the mountain per hour than our current bus system and in about half the time.

Gondolas are safe, better for the environment, and cost-effective, operating in all kinds of weather and free from the constraints of the road (e.g., traffic). This latest phase of engagement is part of the advancement of the business planning stage for the project.

The Burnaby Mountain Gondola is not yet approved or funded. For the project to advance, it must receive approval from the TransLink Board and Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation and be included in a future investment plan. If approved, TransLink will continue to engage with stakeholders through further design work and implementation.

Burnaby Mountain Gondola Lower Terminal Rendering
A rendering of what the Burnaby Mountain Gondola’s lower terminal could look like if the project moves ahead.

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