Capilano University interim transit exchange opens today

Capilano University students, your new interim transit exchange opened this morning! Starting today, buses #130, #28 and #255 will be re-routed to…

Friday fun poll: more questions for the window seat

So last Friday, I ran a poll about how to properly move so that others could vacate the window seat. After 181 votes, the vast majority voted for…

The third SeaBus finally gets its name!

Our two existing SeaBus vessels, as pictured above, will be joined this fall by a third SeaBus: the Pacific Breeze! Hey, it's the moment you've all…

Vancouver transit on The Nature of Things

By the way: CBC's The Nature of Things has a feature on Vancouver tonight, with some attention to SkyTrain and our public transport system in…

Open houses for Canada Line bus changes – Feb. 7 & 8 in Vancouver

We're holding two Vancouver open houses this upcoming weekend to discuss Canada Line bus route changes. Come on out: we want your feedback on what…

Friday fun polls: Exit strategies for the window seat

Last Friday, I ran a poll asking where you like to sit on the bus. After 143 votes, we have the results at right -- an almost dead even split…

Transit riders, take note: Saturday night will be busy

Saturday night is always a busy night in downtown Vancouver, but a heavy date calendar for Saturday, Jan. 31 means larger crowds than usual on that…

Something neat: How we get to work

For all those who like transportation data, Erick over at Regarding Place magazine has a new feature up on how we get to work in our region. He's…

From the opening of the Pattullo Bridge, 1937

A detail from the cover of the 1937 Pattullo Bridge souvenir programme. Scans provided courtesy of the Burnaby Village Museum. Thanks to Lisa Codd,…

MediVac helicopter lands at Port Coquitlam Transit Centre

Last Friday, a serious motor vehicle accident closed Kingsway Ave in Port Coquitlam for the afternoon, and a MediVac helicopter used Port Coquitlam…

Open houses for Canada Line bus changes – Jan. 31 & Feb. 1 in Richmond

We're holding two Richmond open houses this upcoming weekend to discuss Canada Line bus route changes. Come on out: we want your feedback on what…

More photos of the Pattullo Bridge repairs

Many thanks to reader and photographer Duane Cooke, who also sent along some more photos of the bridge construction on Sunday. (Here's the other set…

The last Pattullo Bridge update (or so we hope)

STATUS OF BRIDGE The bridge structure was completed on Sunday Traffic safety and control measures were dealt with in the late afternoon through the…

Photos of the Pattullo Bridge repairs

Also, we have some great photos of the bridge construction on Sunday thanks to Terry Muirhead, a local transit enthusiast and photographer. You may…

Pattullo Bridge reopens! Special transit service continues today

(Video of TransLink CEO Tom Prendergast and VP of Planning and Capital Management Sheri Plewes announcing the reopening of the Pattullo Bridge…

