A COVID-19 sign at YVR-Airport station

How to find and give support during the COVID-19 pandemic

A COVID-19 sign at YVR-Airport station During these challenging times, we want to make sure that all TransLink customers feel informed and can access…

Dispatching the frontlines: a look at “air traffic control” for Metro Vancouver Transit Police

Allison Hansell (front) and Jully Tmana (back) are police communications operators with Metro Vancouver Transit Police. When you travel on transit,…

TransLink limits bus seating to promote physical distancing

Beginning from next week, TransLink will be limiting seating on buses in Metro Vancouver to enhance physical distancing measures. Roughly half the…

HandyDART fare collection suspended to protect operators and promote physical distancing

Beginning March 25, we are suspending fare collection on the HandyDART system. Because HandyDART fare payment can often require close interaction…

Minor service reductions and in-person customer service centre closures

  Given significant ridership declines on transit due to social distancing measures in Metro Vancouver, TransLink will be making minor service…

TransLink moves to rear-door boarding on buses to promote social distancing

Beginning March 20, customers will be asked to board buses using the rear doors only where possible. Given TransLink cannot collect cash fares at…

Here’s what precautions we’re taking for COVID-19 (coronavirus)

In addition to daily cleaning schedules, we're spraying the entire bus fleet with a strong disinfectant each week. We're also cleaning Stations and…

Spring service changes to boost North Shore bus service

The new R2 Marine Dr RapidBus launches on April 6. Beginning April 6, transit on the North Shore is being boosted to provide more frequent and…

Tasia Balding, the Director of Capital and Major Business Projects at BCRTC

#IWD2020: Envisioning a fairer world with Tasia

Transit was not the first career that sprung to mind for Tasia Balding, the director of capital and major business Projects at BCRTC, which operates…

Customers disembarking bus

River District and North Shore Express to Metrotown bus routes approved

The new 31 and 222 bus routes start operating on April 6, 2020. Two new major bus routes have been approved to serve residents in Vancouver’s East…

#IWD2020: A road less traveled to a rewarding career as a leader

In 1996, Maria Su was hired as a transportation engineer on the team that was tasked with creating Metro Vancouver’s first regional transportation…

Metro Vancouver’s cycling network nearly tripled last decade

HUB Cycling and TransLink have partnered to a release a 2019 State of Cycling report card. HUB Cycling and TransLink have partnered to release the…

TELUS service arrives for the SkyTrain tunnel in downtown Vancouver

TELUS, Koodo and Public Mobile customers can now stay connected on the SkyTrain, even underground in downtown Vancouver. We've partnered with TELUS…

TransLink reveals bus fleet electrification plan, requests Mayors’ Council endorsement

TransLink is asking the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation to support its updated Low Carbon Fleet Strategy, which puts the region on the…

Canada Line and Bridge

Canada Line still winning ridership gold

TransLink celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the Vancouver Winter Olympics New figures show that after 10 years in service, ridership on the…

