Young girl sitting near Marine Drive Station. SkyTrain and HandyDART bus pass by

A new era in transit: going climate friendly with green bonds and sustainable procurement

The impacts of climate change are here and now. Extreme weather, such as heatwaves and flooding, are increasingly being felt in every part of Metro…

TransLink's Vaisakhi bus at the Vancouver Vaisakhi Parade.

Join a colourful celebration: Take transit to the Surrey Vaisakhi Parade!

The annual Vaisakhi parade is nothing short of colour and festivities as the South Asian community celebrates one of the most important festivals in…

A portrait of Pall Veesla

Pall marks 10 years helping with Vancouver’s Vaisakhi parade

For 10 years, Pall Beesla with Coast Mountain Bus Company has been leading the planning and organization of the annual Vancouver Vaisakhi parade.…

Load more UPLOADING 1 / 1 – Senior lady with a walker using her phone. SkyTrain in the background..jpg ATTACHMENT DETAILS Senior lady with a walker using her phone. SkyTrain in the background.

New to riding transit? Start with watching these videos

Riding transit for the first time is a daunting task, especially when you don't know what to expect. That's why we have myriad resources to help…

Father-son duo Michael and Keith Edema pose for a photo on the SkyBridge

Like father, like son: family duo bonds on the SkyTrain rails

Working together wasn't in the plan for Keith and Michael Edema, a father-son duo at SkyTrain — but they wouldn't have it any other way. Keith is a…

Kai holds up his Orion VI bus made from LEGO

Check out this LEGO enthusiast’s incredible replica buses

Growing up Kai Ang Bowes regularly took the bus with his mother as they didn't have a car. Little did he know at the time that it was instilling a…

Transit-friendly things to do in Metro Vancouver this winter

While days are shorter in Metro Vancouver during the winter, events, holiday lights, and very Metro Vancouver winter things to do lighten us up in…

List of new year's resolutions and a bus in the background

16 New Year’s resolutions transit can help you check off

The new year urges many people across the world to reflect on the year that's passed and set intentions for the coming year. Whether those…

The entrance canopy at the Lonsdale Quay terminal displaying Indigenous art and language

Indigenous signage and art at SeaBus terminals welcome riders

Indigenous art and accompanying signage can now be seen at TransLink’s SeaBus terminals at Waterfront Station and Lonsdale Quay. The installation…

Cyclist taps Compass Card to enter the Bike Parkade

Your questions about Bike Parkades, answered

For ease of integrating biking and taking transit in Metro Vancouver, we equip our transit system with accessible and affordable bike parking…

Holiday lights at Lafarge Lake

Take transit to holiday lights in Metro Vancouver

Does the thought of spending time with family and friends with holiday music playing in the background, holiday lights, and hot cocoa in hand excite…

Art Moves performers dance at Waterfront Station

WATCH: A skeleton-clad dance group takes over Waterfront Station

Waterfront Station was the site of some scary good dance performances to kick-off to Halloween as local all-female dance group Diamonds in the Rough…

Autumn leaves fall in the foreground and the 250a Dundarave bus along Georgia Street in Downtown Vancouver.

PHOTOS: Tour these 6 transit-friendly fall photography spots in Vancouver

Metro Vancouver turns into a picture-perfect colour palette when it's the fall season. It's one the reasons why photographers take advantage of the…

Leslie Broacto, SkyTrain Guideway Serviceperson

Get on track with a rewarding career at SkyTrain  

There's an adage that teamwork makes the dream work — or it takes a village to raise a child. Nowhere does it ring more true than at British Columbia…

Five SkyTrain passengers waiting on platform as SkyTrain travels past them.

Take transit to these study cafés along the SkyTrain’s Expo Line

Studying can take a lot of brain power so make sure to balance it out by going to a place with a positive ambience and even treating yourself while…

