#Transport2050 Update: two weeks to go, have your say before the deadline!

Could smartphone-enabled augmented reality be in our future. Image credit – Enuke Software In May, we kicked off Transport 2050, our largest ever…

#Transport2050: Gold-medal transit and reimagined streets for tomorrow, by City of Vancouver’s Dale Bracewell

Dale Bracewell, Manager, Transportation Planning, City of Vancouver We’ve asked thought leaders to share their vision for the future of…

#Transport2050: Modo CEO Patrick Nangle sees shared, autonomous and electric vehicles on the horizon

Patrick Nangle, Modo CEO We’ve asked thought leaders to share their vision for the future of transportation. What do you see? Shape the future of how…

PNE Fair: Our transportation past and future in 3D and virtual reality

This summer at the Transport 2050 Expo at the PNE Fair, you're invited to take a trip into the future. But first, we need to make a stop in the…

PNE Fair: Take a trip down memory lane at TransLink’s #Transport2050 Expo

Transit has shaped the region for more than 129 years. The interurban streetcar arrived to New Westminster in 1890 before expanding to neighbouring…

Transport 2050: Why Metro Vancouver’s youth should take part in the future of transportation

Did you know TransLink hires co-op students? It's true! Your friendly neighbourhood transit authority has opportunities for student interns. There’s…

#Transport2050: urban planner Larry Beasley on Vancouverism

Vancouver's world-renowned for its mixed-use developments, a robust public transit system and green space preservation. Now it's been captured in a…

#Transport2050: A vision for transit-connected, electric public bike sharing by Mobi’s Mia Kohout

Mia Kohout We’ve asked thought leaders to share their vision for the future of transportation. What do you see? Shape the future of how we move and…

#Transport2050 Update: What we’re hearing, plus join us for a ride into the future

Could a scramble intersection be in your neighbourhood’s future? It’s just one idea submitted by a user. (Photo Credit: Joshua Meyer) We asked you to…

#TransLinkTomorrow: one app to plan, book and pay for all transportation

David Zipper, a mobility-as-a-service expert, was one of the speakers at the latest talk in TransLink Tomorrow’s The Future of Mobility speaker…

Ride into the future with TransLink and Transport 2050 at the PNE Fair this summer! 

For over a century, the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) has showcased the best of Vancouver to the rest of Canada and the world at its annual…

Transport 2050 ideas and survey update – nearly 5000 new submissions!

We’re creating a new Regional Transportation Strategy, called Transport 2050, that will outline our options for getting around between now and 2050.…

We’re bringing #Transport2050 engagement to you this summer!

TransLink is creating a new strategy for the next 30 years of transportation called Transport 2050, and we need your help. Find us at community…

Car Free Day on Main Street!

Talk Transport 2050 with us at Car Free Days this weekend, June 15–16

Last year's Car Free Day on Main Street! Car Free Day Vancouver is back on June 15, 16 and July 7 and we'll be there to talk Transport 2050 with……

Transport 2050 update

#Transport2050: More than 9,700 completed surveys and ideas!

After just one month of engagement, Metro Vancouverites have completed almost 9,000 surveys and shared almost 900 bold and creative ideas for the…

