I Love Transit 2014: Nathan Pachal, transit blogger, tells us why he loves transit

It's I Love Transit Week and we're chatting with Nathan Pachal, a man with many different hats. He's a broadcast engineer, urban commentator,…

Spinal Cord Injury BC’s Bus Stop Hop showcases accessible transit

Using transit with your wheelchair or mobility aid for the first time can be a daunting task if you don’t know what to expect. That’s the reason why…

Have you spotted the TELUS Wi-Fi bus?

If you're a regular rider on the 99, 351, or 555, you might have spotted our buses wrapped in TELUS branding offering free Wi-Fi! TELUS has an…

The July 2014 issue of the Buzzer is on the system

Big news from our July 2014 issue of the Buzzer – I Love Transit Week this year is August 25 to 29! This year, we are introducing I Love Transit Camp…

Links and Tidbits – July 18, 2014

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to…

The 2013 Bus Service Performance Review is live!

  Okay transit enthusiasts, it is that time of the year where TransLink’s Service Planning department takes stock of how the bus system…

#WhatsTheLink: TransLink is the link

Through out the course of our #WhatsTheLink series on The Buzzer and our partners Miss 604, Vancity Buzz, and Vancouver Observer, we have been…

10 Heat Wave survival tips from TransLink’s Buzzer

In a few days, it's going to be HOT with temperatures soaring upwards of 28 degrees Celsius—or 34 degrees Celsius if you factor in humidity! We're…

#WhatsTheLink: TransLink helps with goods movement and the economy

For this latest week in the #WhatsTheLink series, we’re looking at goods movement in the region. TransLink helps 418,000 people get where they need…

Links and Tidbits – June 20, 2014

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to…

#WhatsTheLink: TransLink transit is working hard in Metro Vancouver

We've let you know TransLink is responsible for much more than just transit — our mandate includes roads, bridges, cycling and walking paths. But…

Notes and Questions & Answers from TransLink’s 2013 AGM at Surrey City Hall

It was a packed house at TransLink’s 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the new Surrey City Hall on Wednesday, May 28 as hundreds joined us to…

Introducing TransLink’s new SeaBus: the Burrard Otter II!

Introducing: Burrard Otter II, our new SeaBus, which is scheduled to go into service this fall. The Burrard Otter II is the first SeaBus to be built…

#WhatsTheLink: We’re also really into cycling (win a FareCard and so much more contest)

Did you know there 107,000 bike trips made each day in Metro Vancouver? That's right! TransLink is unique in North America as a transportation…

Scott Road Station Upgrades Complete

Hi buzzer readers, As you may know, Scott Road has been in the process of getting upgraded to improve safety and accessibility at the station. Today,…

