Our new mobile website is live!

m.translink.ca main page After a lot of planning, work and some testing (thanks again, Buzzer readers), the newly upgraded mobile website is finally…

The September 2011 Buzzer and Ed Spence: Buzzer illustrator interview

The cover of the September, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Ed Spence The latest issue of the Buzzer is now on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast…

On the road to another record

Has your commute changed recently? There's been a lot of reflection these past couple of weeks on transit and TransLink. Last week, we celebrated…

Bus Stop Hop

BC Paraplegic Association Bus Stop Hop 2011 - Brad Jacobsen from mat strand on Vimeo. Bus Stop Hop 2011 This Sunday, August 7, 2011, is the 10th…

Reminder: Take the Friday fun poll!

Just in time for Father's Day! This is a gentle reminder to take the Friday fun poll about our forthcoming new mobile site. A lot of you have…

Off-topic news: say hello to baby Linna

Hello world! Hi everyone --- Jhen here with a quick non-transit update from my maternity leave :) Since some of you asked to be kept in the loop,…

Victoria Day holiday service

Hey, it's the long weekend! What are you doing with your extra time? Not sure? Well, you could check out the Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair. Or…

Links and Tidbits for May 13, 2011

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BDZFPpLMRU Thanks to Timothy Choi and Scout Magazine for pointing me to the above video of a six-course meal on the…

Sarah Taylor: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Sarah Taylor and her illustration for the May Buzzer. The illustrator for the May issue of the Buzzer is Sarah Taylor. We think her image of a…

Two classic bus photos from 1969

A southbound 8 Davie at Howe and Pender in 1969. Click for a much larger version. Photo by Angus McIntyre! The lovely Angus McIntyre is scanning his…

Introducing the new editor of the Buzzer: Robert Willis!

Introducing the new editor of the Buzzer newsletter and blog, Robert Willis! I'm pleased to introduce Robert Willis, who will be taking over the…

The 14 Hastings returns to Vancouver: an interview with planner Peter Klitz about the iconic bus route

A Brill trolley with the BC Hydro colours, operating as the 14 Hastings in 1967. Note: This is a scheduled post as I'm away this week, returning…

The April 2011 Buzzer is now out!

The April 2011 Buzzer is now on board all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express! The whole Buzzer is devoted to the bus service changes…

On removing freeways and reforming buses: an interview with Dr Kee Yeon Hwang, president of the Korea Transport Institute

Dr. Kee Yeon Hwang, president of the Korea Transport Institute, at the Hotel Vancouver on March 28, 2011. I got a chance to speak with Dr. Kee Yeon…

Links and tidbits, Wed Mar 23, 2011

Mad Men On Trains from Rich Sommer A roundup of interesting tidbits and links about transportation from the last week or so! Vincent Kartheiser and…

