Links and tidbits for Thu Mar 10, 2011

A round up of interesting tidbits and links about transportation from the last week or so! How did I never see the Bike Safety Boogie video before?…

Q&A with Doug Kelsey, TransLink COO, after his trip on the system on March 2, 2011

As promised --- here's the wrapup interview with Doug Kelsey, TransLink COO, after his ride out on the system on Wednesday, March 2, 2011! To…

More SkyTrain historic photos and memorabilia!

Waiting for a ride to the SkyTrain yard at CP Rail's Mayfair Terminal in Coquitlam. March 1985 photo by Bob Webster, sent in by Alan M. I have…

Links and tidbits for Thu Feb 24, 2011

Buzzer pal Tim Choi is building a model of the new SeaBus, the Pacific Breeze. Here's how the cabin looks so far! As usual: tidbits and links about…

Apply to be the Buzzer editor & blogger: I’m on maternity leave as of April 29, 2011!

Me, cycling towards a sparkling future! A pretty big announcement for me today: I'm going on maternity leave starting April 29, 2011! Yes, I'm…

1982 SkyTrain station concept drawings!

A 1982 conceptual drawing of Nanaimo Station by Manfred Stein for the firm Architektengruppe U-Bahn. Click for a MUCH larger version! Our recent…

Links and tidbits for Wed Feb 16, 2011

Tidbits and links about transportation from the last few weeks or so! As pointed out on Human Transit, the new video from REM makes extensive use…

Fun poll results: 59% first rode the SkyTrain when they were kids

In a fit of SkyTrain nostalgia, last week I asked about your first ride experience on SkyTrain. And after 309 votes (one of the highest vote…

Stephanie Wiriahardja: Buzzer illustrator interview!

The February 2011 Buzzer cover illustration and its creator, Stephanie Wiriahardja! And so we continue the fine tradition of interviewing our Buzzer…

Donated: a 1943 Buzzer!

A 1943 Buzzer, kindly donated by Mike Conroy. Another quick post to point out another Buzzer that arrived in the mail a while back! This one is from…

Links and tidbits for Tue Feb 1, 2011

I saw this written on a bus window this winter :) Tidbits and links on transportation from the last little while! Alexander Chen turns the New York…

Developers: iBusVan is now open source and the code is available now!

A screenshot from iBusVan, the now-discontinued Vancouver transit iPhone app. Good news: developers can now download the source code for iBusVan, the…

Donated: a 1929 Buzzer and some classic tickets!

Just want to point out something I got a while back: a 1929 Buzzer! It actually describes the discovery of an old document showing the state of…

SkyTrain historic photos: Princess Diana visits SkyTrain and more

Princess Diana and Prince Charles at Patterson Station. Photo dated May 6, 1986. Click for a much larger version! Prince Charles and Princess Diana…

Allison Koberstein: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Allison Koberstein with her lovely cover illustration for the January 2011 Buzzer! Ack: I kind of fell off the wagon with interviewing our Buzzer…

