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I Love Transit Week 2010: transit haiku on our TV ad screens!

I Love Transit Week 2010: transit haiku on our TV ad screens!

Aha! The two winners from our transit haiku contest are now on TV ad screens on the Expo/Millennium Line!

Congratulations to Peter Brouwer and L. Ryan for submitting the winning haiku. You can see Peter’s haiku in the video above—it reads:

what a rainy day
crazy drivers everywhere
sweet rest on the bus

Read on to see L. Ryan’s haiku and the rest of the entrants!

Check out L. Ryan’s haiku in the video above, which plays on the imagery of the SkyBridge. It reads:

Silver dragons claw
Sky, wind from water spirit
Long chime destiny

And here are the rest of the entries… thanks so much to everyone who took the time to enter!

Bus skytrain trolley
This is a transit system
Translink is the best!
– Daniel Nguyen

Bridge traffic won’t move —
We’re all late and need to pee.
Tomorrow, SeaBus.
– Reva

Text for coming bus.
Bus wheel goes round and round.
Bus bell goes ding, ding.
– ;-)

There were also a few more posted on the haiku contest page. One had no name and a few were extras from ;-)!

Watch the world go by.
Ding! The next stop is Broadway!
The ride continues…
– Anonymous

Move to the bus rear
Cyclists stay off sidewalk!
Keep feet off the seats.
– ;-)

Waiting for my bus?
iPhone battery life suck!
Why is my bus late?
– ;-)

Go green on transit.
No Viagra required.
I love expo line.
– ;-)

Hmmm… no Viagra required? ;-), I think you’re going to have to explain that one a bit!


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