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Ask TransLink: Brian Revel, bus operator

Ask TransLink: Brian Revel, bus operator


From April 15 to May 10, you can Ask TransLink! We’re spotlighting one TransLink staff member every week and inviting you to ask them questions about their work. Find out all about the series.

Brian Revel, bus operator!
Brian Revel, bus operator!

We’re super happy to welcome Brian Revel, bus operator, to the blog!

This week, Brian will be answering your questions from the road, stopping to check-in between his shifts on the 25 and 41 routes every day! (It’s true: feel free to say hi if you see him on your route!)

We’ll be taking questions for Brian until Friday, April 26, 2013 at noon. To kick things off, we asked him a few questions about his work driving buses for Coast Mountain Bus Company. Let’s go!

When did you start working as an operator with Coast Mountain Bus Company?

I began training with CMBC in November of 2007. I went “live” in January 2008. I have been a transit operator now for just under five-and-a-half years. Before that, I owned my own VIP touring company, à la carte specialty tours but I had to close the business because most of my clientele were Americans who suffered massive losses during the financial collapse in 2007. Prior to owning my own business, I drove tour coach for Gray Line of Vancouver.

What has the experience been like? What keeps you driving buses?

The experience has been a really positive one. I have been a life-long transit user and now that I’m on the ‘inside’ I have learned what it is to be on the other side of the red line. There was so much I didn’t know, so much I didn’t understand, about public transport before coming to CMBC. Apart from the technical side, I am truly impressed and honoured to know and work with such an incredible group of dedicated professionals throughout the entire Translink family.

What keeps me driving buses? I’m not too sure, to be honest. It kinda gets into your blood. There’s nothing like a corner office where the view always changes. Another thing about this job is that it’s the indoor-iest outdoor job around… or is it the outdoor-iest indoor job? Besides, I’m a people person and so my interactions with passengers and other folk throughout my day keeps me going. And hey- if you love your job, you never work a day in your life.

What routes have you driven? What are you driving now?

I work out of the Vancouver depot so I have only worked the routes that VTC services. The 26, 27, 28 and 29 as well as the express services are serviced by the Burnaby depot and most days the 49, as well as the 480 are serviced out of Richmond. Apart from these routes, I have driven every route in Vancouver.

Currently, I am driving on the #25 in the morning and the #41 in the afternoon.

I understand you’ve received commendations in the past: what have they been for?

You’d be surprised. It’s the little things that matter most, I guess. They are mostly for being friendly, giving information, greeting people when they get on the bus, calling out the stops. Stuff like that.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I have a little campaign I do on my bus about once a month… it’s called, Say Hi on the Bus which made 24Hrs. I was interviewed for Career Trek – here’s the video. And I have competed in the Bus Roadeo and have placed 1st for VTC each time, this year placing 4th overall!

Thanks Brian!

Okay you guys – over to you! Please feel free to submit your questions in the comments below, and we’ll get Brian to answer them for you until Friday, April 26, 2013 at noon!


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