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Draft report for Phase 2 of the Southwest Area Transport Plan is in!

Draft report for Phase 2 of the Southwest Area Transport Plan is in!

Click here to read the draft report!
Click here to read the draft report!

Hey Richmond, Delta and Tsawwassen First Nation!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Phase 2 consultation this spring on the Southwest Area Transport Plan (SWATP). The draft report recommendations for Phase 2 are in and ready for your review! We want to know what you think from now until December 1, 2017 December 10, 2017.

During consultation, which included an online survey and in-person engagement activities, we heard concerns about the proposed changes to routes such as the 602 and 480.

That’s why we made modifications to all of the proposals that had significant-to-moderate concern expressed. In fact, after reading through all of your comments, we even found ways to make some of the proposals which received strong support even better!

Visit to read the Phase 2 draft report and the recommendations. Have a look through and let us know what you think by emailing, leaving feedback by visiting or calling 604.953.3333.

What is the Southwest Area Transport Plan?

The Southwest Area Transport Plan establishes a blueprint for the transit and transportation needs in Richmond, South Delta, the Tsawwassen First Nation and important connections to North Delta.

What’s next?

We’ve been working closely with our partners in Richmond, Delta and the Tsawwassen First Nation and look forward to their endorsement of the SWATP. The final plan will be available in early 2018.

As well, recommendations that include changes to the transit network would likely undergo additional public engagement when they are being considered for implementation.

Our planners chat with residents at Steveston Farmers & Artisans Market during Phase 2 Southwest Area Transport Plan consultation this past spring.

For future notifications around the Southwest Area Transport Plan, sign up for our eNewsletter or head to the TransLink website for more information.

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