Connect to Evo Car Share at Braid and Columbia SkyTrain stations

Connect to Evo Car Share at Braid and Columbia SkyTrain stations

Evo at Braid Station
The reserved parking stalls for Evo cars at Braid Station.
The reserved parking stalls for Evo cars at Braid Station.

A new partnership is making it easier for our customers to connect with Evo‘s carsharing services!

Braid and Columbia SkyTrain stations now have four dedicated parking stalls each for Evo vehicles. Evo has also expanded their Home Zone in New Westminster to include Braid Station.

The parking stalls at Braid Station are located in the parking lot across from the entrance. At Columbia Station, the stalls are located east of the station at the corner of Blackwood Street and Clarkson Street.

This partnership is the latest to make carsharing more accessible for our customers by providing them more options for that first and last kilometre of a journey. Last year, we partnered with Modo to establish parking spots for its vehicles at six SkyTrain stations.

Carsharing services play an important role in keeping Metro Vancouver a livable city by giving people alternatives to owning cars. Having carsharing at SkyTrain stations is a great way to encourage people to use transit, walk and cycle, while still having the option to use a car when needed.

Author: Allen Tung

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