The December 2017 issue of The Buzzer is now on the system
The December 2017 issue of The Buzzer is now on the system

Happy holidays! The December 2017 print Buzzer is now on the system.
This season’s issue is dedicated in part to Winter Service Changes as well as tips for winter transit travel to keep you on the go!
Make sure to watch out for our upcoming Bus Route Buzz posts for a more in-depth look at our seasonal service changes.
Remember! Service Changes begin Monday, December 18, 2017.
In this issue we introduce all-door boarding to the 95 and 96 B-Line buses and remind you how you can take transit home!
As always, we have our favourites – Contest Corner, Back Issues and Coming Events!
Pick it up today on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast Express or you can download it here.
Happy reading!
Author: Sarah Kertcher