The Winter 2019 edition of The Buzzer is now on the system
The Winter 2019 edition of The Buzzer is now on the system

Say goodbye to 2019 with the last issue of The Buzzer for this year! This issue is dedicated in part to our annual Winter Service Changes, which roll out RapidBus to Metro Vancouver!
To start the new year off right, on January 6, 2020, RapidBus arrives, offering fast, frequent, and reliable bus service. Click here to learn more about RapidBus!
Our popular word search returns. Try your hand at this fun activity and find the hidden word for a chance to win a monthly pass!
Remember! Service Changes begin Monday, January 6, 2020.
Pick up your copy today on the bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast Express, or download the PDF from our website.
Happy reading!
Author: Sarah Kertcher
I got the buzzer flyer off of the SkyTrain at gateway SkyTrain. The hidden message answer is:(reindeer bus)…
(reindeer bus) answer too (dec20,2019 buzzer )Christmas word search contest… I got buzzer off of SkyTrain at gateway SkyTrain,and my phone number is 1(236)668-3362