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Top-10 busiest SkyTrain stations in 2021

Top-10 busiest SkyTrain stations in 2021

Customers arriving at the platform level of Surrey Central Station by escalator showing how many people use transit

Our annual report cards on ridership and transit services are out, revealing the top 10 stations where you boarded the SkyTrain the most in 2021.

As there was no “average” day in 2021, we look at the most stable period of ridership during the year, which was the fall, between September 13 and December 5.

Before you get started, a foundational definition on boardings. It represents each time a customer taps into a fare gate — any fare-paid zone on the transit system — including transfers.

Now let’s reveal the top 10 SkyTrain stations of fall 2021, starting with number 10.

10 | King George Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 9,000 (weekday), 6,000 (Saturday), and 5,000 (Sunday/holiday)

Customer waiting for the bus across the street from King George Station

9 | Surrey Central Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 10,000 (weekday), 7,000 (Saturday), and 5,000 (Sunday/holiday)

Customers exit Surrey Central Station at the north stationhouse

8 | Vancouver City Centre Station

Line: Canada Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 9,000 (weekday), 8,000 (Saturday), and 7,000 (Sunday/holiday)

The side of the entrance to Vancouver City Centre Station

7 | New Westminster Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 7,000 (Saturday), and 5,000 (Sunday/holiday)

The SkyTrain departing the outbound platform at New Westminster Station

6 | Joyce–Collingwood Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 9,000 (Saturday), and 7,000 (Sunday/holiday)

R4 41st Ave RapidBus picking up passengers at Joyce–Collingwood Station

5 | Granville Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 11,000 (weekday), 10,000 (Saturday), and 7,000 (Sunday/holiday)

A bus drives by the Granville Street entrance to Granville Station

4 | Burrard Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 12,000 (weekday), 8,000 (Saturday), and 6,000 (Sunday/holiday)

A bus drives by the entrance to Burrard Station

3 | Commercial–Broadway Station

Line: Expo and Millennium Lines
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 15,000 (weekday), 11,000 (Saturday), and 8,000 (Sunday/holiday)

The south Broadway entrance to the Millennium Line platforms at Commercial–Broadway Station

2 | Metrotown Station

Line: Expo Line
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 15,000 (weekday), 14,000 (Saturday), and 11,000 (Sunday/holiday)

The east stationhouse entrance at Metrotown Station

1 | Waterfront Station

Line: Expo and Canada Lines
Average daily boardings in fall 2021: 18,000 (weekday), 14,000 (Saturday), and 10,000 (Sunday/holiday)

A bus drives by the Cordova Street entrance to Waterfront Station

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Read the full 2021 Transit Service Performance Review and 2021 HandyDART Performance Review to learn more about these ridership trends.

Curious to know about the top 10 bus routes from 2021? Check it out here.

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