Vancouver Sun article: on TransLink providing quality transit today and looking to the future

One of our busy 99 buses, with a crowd of bikes in front. The Vancouver Sun published an article today on the present state of TransLink's operations…

Fun poll results: There’s a lot of nice things people do for each other on transit

Buzzer readers never cease to surprise me. When Jhen posted the last fun poll: what’s the nicest thing another rider has ever done for you?, I…

The Millennium Line turns 10!

The Millennium Line Travel Guide Would you believe that the Millennium SkyTrain Line is 10 years old? Well, it's true! The line officially opened on…

Fall transit service changes start today

Make sure you double check your transit info before you leave your home today! Firsts can be exciting/challenging. So, make sure you know about the…

Labour Day holiday service, Mon Sept 3, 2012

Wow, It’s Labour Day on Monday, September 3, 2012. Besides being a holiday for some, it means that buses, SeaBus, and SkyTrain will be operating on a…

TransLink wins three 2012 APTA AdWheel Awards and one IABC Gold Quill Award including best blog, best Twitter channel and best Facebook campaign!

Our 2012 Gold Quill Award of Excellence! We got some great news this morning. We won three 2012 American Public Transportation Association (APTA)…

The final stage: making transit service decisions

This post is part of a series about Managing the Transit Network: all about how TransLink plans transit service in our region. See all the past blog…

The West Coast Express website is moving to!

The old homepage for! In our efforts to better serve our customers and make transit a one-stop shop on the web, we're…

How do you find out if your regular transit route changes?

Could this man be phoning customer service about a change to his bus route? I don't want to believe it, but September is quickly approaching. Every…

Use our new submission form and have your community event in the Buzzer

Hey readers! Send us your community events with our new forms. Listing community events in the Buzzer newsletter goes back almost to the beginning of…

Amancay Nahuelpan-Bustamante: August Buzzer illustrator interview

Amancay and this illustration. Have you read the latest Buzzer newsletter yet? If not, you can pick it up on almost all of our different modes of…

The August 2012 Buzzer is on the system

Summer is here and so is the summer edition of the Buzzer. Want one of your own? You can find them free of charge on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West…

Transit service for getting to the Celebration of Light: July 28, Aug 1 and 4

It's firework time again! Billed as the world's biggest offshore fireworks competition, the annual Vancouver fireworks display (this year called…

On the system – following fare evasion with Transit Police

Crowds at Burrard Station are checked for proper payment of fares. We’re continuing the conversation about fare evasion with this second installment…

Your submissions for I Love Transit Week

A few examples from our pile of entries for our I Love Transit Week colouring contest. To say this week has gone by quickly is an understatement.…

