1982 SkyTrain station concept drawings!

A 1982 conceptual drawing of Nanaimo Station by Manfred Stein for the firm Architektengruppe U-Bahn. Click for a MUCH larger version! Our recent…

The horse and buggy days: a transport poster from the Vancouver Archives

A poster about transportation from the B.C. Electric files at the Vancouver Archives. Here's another gem I found in the B.C. Electric paper files at…

Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics?

Crowds wait for trains at platform 2 of Commercial-Broadway Station on Friday, February 12. Last week, we talked about how transit ridership is up,…

Reminder: apply to the 2011 CUTA BC Youth Summit by Mon, Feb 21, 2011

A reminder to apply to the CUTA BC Youth Summit this weekend, if you still want to attend! The deadline is Monday, February 21, 2011. The conference…

SkyTrain historical video: Rapid Transit, Rapid Transition, a 1984 promotional video

The SkyTrain 25th anniversary celebration continues: here's another fantastic SkyTrain promotional video from 1984, again shot by local video…

Links and tidbits for Wed Feb 16, 2011

Tidbits and links about transportation from the last few weeks or so! As pointed out on Human Transit, the new video from REM makes extensive use…

Moving Through: transit-oriented mini-walks from the Museum of Vancouver, Sat Feb 19, 2011

This event crossed my desk: I thought many of you might be interested! The Museum of Vancouver is offering an "out of the box" exploration of…

Transit love stories for Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! For some Monday fun, I thought I'd flash back through our archives and point out some stories…

Fun poll results: 59% first rode the SkyTrain when they were kids

In a fit of SkyTrain nostalgia, last week I asked about your first ride experience on SkyTrain. And after 309 votes (one of the highest vote…

Yay: our TransLink Twitter service is now permanent!

Our TransLink Twitter customer service pilot has been approved as a permanent program! Great news everyone—our TransLink Twitter pilot is now a…

TravelSmart: join the movement!

We're proud to launch a new program called TravelSmart today! Through TravelSmart, we’re hoping to help people make smart travel choices for…

A look back at the 2010 Olympics after one year on, from a transit perspective!

A cheerful crowd waits to board the SeaBus after the Olympic opening ceremonies, Friday February 12, 2010. Over 60,000 people headed to BC Place for…

Transit for the Olympic one-year anniversary celebrations, Sat Feb 12, 2011!

Crowds on Granville Street (looking south from Robson) from February 19, 2010. Photo from the Transit Police. Can you believe it's been one year…

Stephanie Wiriahardja: Buzzer illustrator interview!

The February 2011 Buzzer cover illustration and its creator, Stephanie Wiriahardja! And so we continue the fine tradition of interviewing our Buzzer…

Donated: a 1943 Buzzer!

A 1943 Buzzer, kindly donated by Mike Conroy. Another quick post to point out another Buzzer that arrived in the mail a while back! This one is from…

