Young girl sitting near Marine Drive Station. SkyTrain and HandyDART bus pass by

A new era in transit: going climate friendly with green bonds and sustainable procurement

The impacts of climate change are here and now. Extreme weather, such as heatwaves and flooding, are increasingly being felt in every part of Metro…

A RapidBus displaying R6 Scott Road parked near construction site

RapidBus coming to the busiest bus corridor in Surrey and Delta

TransLink, the City of Surrey, and the City of Delta have begun construction for a new RapidBus service on the Scott Road corridor. This is the…

Runners on the Burrard Street Bridge during the Vancouver Sun Run in 2016

Take transit to the Vancouver Sun Run on April 16

Are you excited for the 2023 Vancouver Sun Run? Well, you're not alone! The Sun Run, which is billed as Canada's largest start line, is a beloved…

The entrance to Capstan Station under construction as of March 2023

Changes to weekday Canada Line service in Richmond after 9:30 p.m., April 11 – May 12

Do you ride the Canada Line to, from, or between Bridgeport, Aberdeen, Lansdowne, and Richmond–Brighouse stations after 9:30 p.m.? If so, read on!…

An eVTOL vehicle taking off at Olympic Village

[APRIL FOOLS!] Flying transit is here: TransLink takes off with SkyLift, an eVOTL service

[APRIL FOOLS!] While we're not quite ready to bring air transit to Metro Vancouver, you can check out the future of transit for the next 30 years as…

A bus operator waves to a customer as they board the bus

TransLink’s annual report card is here — how’d we do?

It’s that time of the year: we’re reporting back to our customers and stakeholders on our performance and key outcomes from 2022. It was a busy year…

Cyclist passes a bus on the Arbutus Greenway

Communities to benefit from new infrastructure projects

Twenty communities across Metro Vancouver are benefitting from TransLink’s Municipal Funding Program in 2023. The program provides municipalities…

A maintenance vehicle on the deck of the Pattullo Bridge with no traffic

Pattullo Bridge closure during Easter long weekend

The Pattullo Bridge is closed to traffic in both directions during the Easter long weekend. This full closure ensures the safety of crews and bridge…

SkyTrain passes by a cherry blossom tree

Join us for TransLink’s Open Board Meeting on March 29, 2023

TransLink’s quarterly board meetings are open to the public and you’re invited to attend the next meeting — virtually on TransLink’s YouTube…

Capstan Station construction as of January 2023

Changes to weekday Canada Line service in Richmond after 9:30 p.m. until March 10

Do you ride the Canada Line to, from, or between Bridgeport, Aberdeen, Lansdowne, and Richmond–Brighouse stations after 9:30 p.m.? If so, read on!…

A scrapped vehicle being crushed at a Scrap-it Yard

Customers can scrap their cars for 16 months of transit

We’re continuing our partnership with SCRAP-IT to get old cars off the road! Scrapping an old vehicle to make a positive impact on the environment is…

A poet reads poetry at Waterfront Station as people pass by

Poets and musicians captivate commuters at pop-up poetry reading

Commuters passing through Waterfront Station were treated to a special surprise on Valentine's Day as a team of poets held a poetry reading in the…

A mechanic inspects the engine of a bus while another takes notes

TransLink named one of BC’s Top Employers for 2023

TransLink has once again been recognized as one of BC’s Top Employers — for the ninth year in a row!  Now in its 18th year, BC's Top Employers is an…

A Customer Information Agent uses a computer to provide assistance

You can now receive help with transit information in more than 300 languages

Canada and Metro Vancouver are rich in languages spoken. According the 2021 census, one in eight Canadians predominantly speak a language other than…

Holding up a Compass Card in front of fare gates with Tap In to Win decal

TransLink wins BCAMA Marketing Excellence Award

TransLink's Tap In to Win sweepstakes campaign is the winner of a Marketing Excellence Award from the British Columbia chapter of the American…

