TransLink in the media: Crime down on the system

Those with a nose for news might have read articles yesterday regarding the reduction of crime on our system this year. For the complete info, check…

TransLink’s 2012 Sustainability Report: tracking our environmental performance and more

The cover for our 2012 sustainability report. Hey! Eagle eyes may have noticed that our 2012 Sustainability Report is now completed and on our…

The August 2012 Buzzer is on the system

Summer is here and so is the summer edition of the Buzzer. Want one of your own? You can find them free of charge on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West…

New legislation introduced to better enforce fare evasion fines, plus a few more items

Buy a ticket to board the system, yo! Hey! The Province is introducing new legislation today, giving TransLink powers to enforce fares, impose and…

On the system – fare evasion

The Transit Security badge To say fare evasion is a hot topic on this blog and in Metro Vancouver in general is an understatement. Not only has it…

The costs of fare evasion

A Transit Police Officer and SkyTrain Attendant at work Fare evasion is one of those perennial themes I come across when I scan our Twitter channel,…

A SkyTrain employee describes the Granville SkyTrain Station during the Stanley Cup riots

In light of the England riots, I thought it would be nice to read a 'good news' story about the recent Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver. Our friends at…

APTA Rail 2010: Canada Line session

The title slide from the Canada Line presentation. First, a note for students who are planning to attend this week: The Canada Line and SkyTrain…

Events this week: UBC Line in-person workshops, SkyTrain safety week

A heads up on two things happening this week! UBC Line in-person workshops, May 4 and May 6 Two UBC Line in-person community consultation workshops…

We’re taking a stand against bullying on Pink Shirt Day, Wed April 14

Ward Clapham, our Chief Officer of the Transit Police, wearing a pink Bullying Stops Here shirt! You might see transit staff wearing pink on…

Another round of links about the Games and transportation

Look at all those Games buses at UBC! Taken Monday, Feb 22 -- click for a larger version. I keep finding links! So here's some more stuff for you.…

A visit to the Richmond stations and King Edward, Saturday February 27

Crowds using the ticket machines at Bridgeport Station. I've spent a lot of time looking at the downtown Vancouver stations lately, so I thought I'd…

Special Olympic Canada Line service to YVR, Sun Feb. 28 to Mon Mar. 1

As you may already know, the day after the Olympics (March 1) is expected to be the busiest day for the airport ever. Everyone is heading home after…

How we manage West Coast Express crowds entering Waterfront, Sun Feb 21

1,900 West Coast Express riders file into Waterfront station on the left: SeaBus riders flow into the SeaBus station on the right. Waterfront Station…

A dispatch from Yaletown-Roundhouse

TransLink transit hosts Sze Wan and Raymond, in front of Yaletown-Roundhouse Station. Sze-Wan, a TransLink staffer and transit host down at…

