Doug Allen on Voice of BC!

You may have heard, that come early August, our Interim CEO, Doug Allen will be leaving. At this time our current CFO Cathy McLay will become Acting…

16th Avenue Corridor Study is Ready for Your Review!

16th Avenue Corridor The 16th Avenue corridor study through Surrey, Langley and Abbotsford has been completed! In this study, all three…

Transit in the News – July 17, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us. Management shakeup…

The Conductorette

The conductorettes: the first women to drive transit in Vancouver

A group of 33 conductorettes posing in front of the 16th Avenue streetcar at Prior Street barns in 1944. They were at first issued skirts as part of…

Transit in the News – July 10, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us.   London…

Looking back at Metro Vancouver’s Transit History with Angus McIntyre!

Angus back in the day June 27th marked 125 years of transit in the region. To honour this special occasion we have been mining old photos, stories…

Transit in the News – July 3, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us. Voters say no to…

Links and Tidbits – July 3, 2015

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to…

Let transit get you to your Canada Day events!

Flag in Vanier Park, Vancouver - Courtesy of I am I.A.M. Canada Day is upon us and we want to help you enjoy all of the great celebrations our region…

Today marks 125 years of transit in the region!

When you think about what can happen in 125 years, it boggles the mind! Now, think about how far transit and transportation has come since its…

A celebration of 125 years of transit… with a vintage trolley bus!

This summer, you're invited to join our celebration of 125 years of public transit in BC! And wow, do we ever have a lot to to celebrate! Transit…

Transit in the News – June 26, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us. Fort Erie bus…

Transit in the News — June 20, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us. Free transit…

Buzzer Illustrator Interview: Mouki Butt

Mouki (well, her interpretation of herself at least) and her illustration! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...bus! The cover of this summer's Buzzer…

Transit in the News – June 12, 2015

A weekly section about transit making headlines around the globe. Have an article you want to share? Comment below or email us. Seattle Metro halts…

