Friday fun poll: how long is your commute?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about how long your commute takes. Last week: when did you start riding transit? Last…

Photos of the new SeaBus on its maiden voyage

I was away for the launch of the new SeaBus, the Burrard Pacific Breeze on December 23. However, several lucky blog readers made it on board and sent…

Adopt-a-Stop: a proposed user-created web app

Brainstorming for the Adopt-a-Stop web app. A few people have already caught onto this, but if you haven't heard yet, we've released our transit data…

2009 holiday parade reroutes for the weekend

The reindeer bus from Coast Mountain Bus Company! It will be in the Rogers Santa Claus Parade this Sunday, Dec. 6. (Photo by the indomitable David…

Justin Chen: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Justin Chen and his illustration. (Justin said he needs a haircut, so an illustrated self-portrait will have to suffice!) Continuing the fine…

Friday fun post: more 1937 trivia

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the second round of 1937 Buzzer trivia. Last week's post: ever forgotten to buy a FareCard at…

Winners of the 2009 U-Pass photo contest

The 2009 U-Pass photo contest winners: Abbye Dahl, Maggie Baynham, and Claire Seaborn. Congratulations to Abbye Dahl, Maggie Baynham, and Claire…

Friday fun post: have you thought about your Olympic travel plans?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the Olympic travel question. Last week's post: 1937 Buzzer trivia Click to see a larger version!…

An interview with Janette Sadik-Khan, commissioner of New York City’s Department of Transportation

Janette Sadik-Khan, speaking at a TransLink presentation this afternoon. We at TransLink were pleased to have Janette Sadik-Khan in Vancouver today…

Phase two of the 2010 Olympic transportation plan released today

A screenshot of, a new website announced today that showcases key Olympic transportation information. As many of you may know,…

Michael Gilbert: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Michael Gilbert and his October Buzzer cover illustration! Since the last Buzzer illustrator interview went so well, I put together an interview with…

Friday fun post: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll on Sunday/Holiday group rides. Last week's post: do you strategize to get a seat on…

Emily Carr and SkyTrain launch Between Spaces, a public art project!

Doug Kelsey, CEO of the B.C. Rapid Transit Company, speaks at the launch of Between Spaces, a collaborative public art project with Emily Carr…

Come to the Buzzer blog birthday meetup, Thu Oct 8!

Happy birthday to the Buzzer! Did you realize that the Buzzer blog turns one on October 6 next week? It's true! And in honour, I'd like to hold a…

A SkyTrain cake!

A SkyTrain cake, baked by Paola for her son Lucas! Mike W. sent along this photo of a SkyTrain cake, baked by his wife Paola in celebration of their…

