Our new mobile website is live!

m.translink.ca main page After a lot of planning, work and some testing (thanks again, Buzzer readers), the newly upgraded mobile website is finally…

The September 2011 Buzzer and Ed Spence: Buzzer illustrator interview

The cover of the September, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Ed Spence The latest issue of the Buzzer is now on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast…

Real-time transit information beta test wrap-up

Buzzer blog mobile testers: Graham, Josh, Eric, Ronald and Walter This morning, five Buzzer readers were among the first non-TransLink members of the…

September service changes and optimization

Changes are coming to some September transit schedules Fall is quickly approaching (September 23rd to be exact), and with the change in the weather…

On the road to another record

Has your commute changed recently? There's been a lot of reflection these past couple of weeks on transit and TransLink. Last week, we celebrated…

BYD Electric Bus demo at Metrotown today

The BYD electric bus ****This event has just been cancelled due to a mechanical problem with the bus. :( It may be rescheduled for tomorrow. I'll…

A SkyTrain employee describes the Granville SkyTrain Station during the Stanley Cup riots

In light of the England riots, I thought it would be nice to read a 'good news' story about the recent Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver. Our friends at…

The August 2011 Buzzer and Alanna Scott: Buzzer illustrator interview

The cover of the August, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Alanna ScottThe August Buzzer is out! In case you don't know, the Buzzer newsletter comes out on…

Wrap-up note from BCRTC president & general manager, Fred Cumming’s, ride on the system, July 5, 2011

Fred Cummings with a field operations supervisor. Photo by Anna Mae Abia Last month, BCRTC president & general manager, Fred Cummings spent the…

Links and Tidbits for July 28, 2011

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo. The last month has whizzed by so fast! Here's some interesting tidbits and links about…

The July 2011 Buzzer and Erick Villagomez: Buzzer illustrator interview!

The cover of the June 2011 Buzzer and the illustrator Erick Villagomez If you've been on a bus, West Coast Express, SeaBus or SkyTrain in the past…

Base plan and ‘Moving Forward’ supplemental plan – webinar wrapup

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-pGK4jsJqk Last night's webinar on the 2012 Base Plan and Supplemental Plan was chock-full of useful information and…

I Love Transit Night 2011: meetup wrapup

Bus boarding game winners at I Love Transit Night 2011 I Love Transit Night was off the hook yesterday! Amazing is the only way I can describe the…

I Love Transit Week 2011: photos, models, testimonials, a haiku and more!

It's I Love Transit Week (July 11-15). All this week, I'm devoting the blog to why we love transit! This week is also special because of I Love…

I Love Transit Week 2011: why Gordon Price loves transit

It's I Love Transit Week July 11-15. All this week, I'm devoting the blog to why we love transit! This week is also special because of I Love Transit…

