The bicycle diaries: five more things learned from biking to work

Me riding on the B.C. Parkway on Monday. Hello! I’ve been biking to work for three days now! Here’s a few more lessons I’m learning while out there.…

The bicycle diaries: five things I learned on day one of Bike to Work Week

Yours truly, arriving at Metrotown for work. It’s Bike to Work Week this week! And as today is the first time I’ve biked to work, I thought I’d share…

Friday fun post: ever forgotten to buy a FareCard at month’s end — then boarded transit without valid fare?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the FareCard question. Last week's post: have you thought about your Olympic travel plans? Last…

Winners of the 2009 U-Pass photo contest

The 2009 U-Pass photo contest winners: Abbye Dahl, Maggie Baynham, and Claire Seaborn. Congratulations to Abbye Dahl, Maggie Baynham, and Claire…

Bike to Work Week starts up on Monday, Nov. 2

Hop on your bicycle for Bike to Work Week: Monday, November 2 to Friday, November 6! I'm even going to try it this year, and I'm rather a novice at…

The Nova hybrid buses are out and about

A new Nova hybrid bus on the 106 route. The first of our diesel-electric hybrid buses from Nova went into service this week! Seventeen Nova hybrids…

An interview with Janette Sadik-Khan, commissioner of New York City’s Department of Transportation

Janette Sadik-Khan, speaking at a TransLink presentation this afternoon. We at TransLink were pleased to have Janette Sadik-Khan in Vancouver today…

Friday fun post: 1937 Buzzer trivia

If you like, skip to the end of this post to try the 1937 Buzzer trivia. Last week's post: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer? Last…

Ride-Share Week photo winner, plus more results from the week

The winning photo in the Ride-Share Week photo contest, taken by Mark Brennan. Congrats to Mark Brennan, who you picked as the winner of the…

Michael Gilbert: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Michael Gilbert and his October Buzzer cover illustration! Since the last Buzzer illustrator interview went so well, I put together an interview with…

Friday fun post: ever used the Sunday/Holiday group ride offer?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll on Sunday/Holiday group rides. Last week's post: do you strategize to get a seat on…

Ride-Share Week: Jen’s real-life ridesharing story

Jen and Susan ridesharing! So what’s it like to really be in a rideshare? We asked Jen, who kindly agreed to share her ridesharing experience with…

Happy birthday: the Buzzer blog turns one

The Buzzer blog turns one year old today – can you believe it? After just one year, this blog has over 400 posts, over 3,500 comments, and a…

Emily Carr and SkyTrain launch Between Spaces, a public art project!

Doug Kelsey, CEO of the B.C. Rapid Transit Company, speaks at the launch of Between Spaces, a collaborative public art project with Emily Carr…

Jane Koo: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Jane Koo, illustrator of the September Buzzer cover! As you may know, Jane Koo is the illustrator behind the September 2009 Buzzer cover---even…

