Congratulations to Rick Laidlaw: driving buses for 35 years with a perfect safety record!

Congrats to Rick Laidlaw for driving 35 years without an accident! The Tri-City News ran a story on transit operator Rick Laidlaw, who has been…

Trolley wires are being reinstalled along Granville Street

You might have noticed already, but the Trolley Overhead division from the Coast Mountain Bus Company has started reinstalling the trolley wire back…

Take a Great Ride and see the cherry blossoms in Vancouver, Sat Apr 17

Take a Great Ride on Saturday and see the cherry blossoms in Vancouver! As you may have seen in the April Buzzer, we're teaming up with the Vancouver…

CMBC wants your thoughts on bus service for an international comparison survey

One of CMBC's many trolleys! So Coast Mountain Bus Company, our subsidiary providing bus service in Metro Vancouver, is also a member of the…

We’re taking a stand against bullying on Pink Shirt Day, Wed April 14

Ward Clapham, our Chief Officer of the Transit Police, wearing a pink Bullying Stops Here shirt! You might see transit staff wearing pink on…

Friday fun post: do you like having buskers perform near transit?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll on buskers. From last week: how do you pick up a free newspaper on transit? Last week, I…

Two regional travel studies show more take transit trips and more share car rides, among other things

The proportion of the population using different modes of travel, from four past trip diary surveys. We've just announced the results of the 2008…

Check it: you can embed the TransLink trip planner on your website!

Look: we've just launched a new widget to let you embed our trip planner on your website! That's the trip planner widget from our homepage right…

An interview with Noam Dolgin, author of Canada Line Adventures

It's kind of turning into interview week here on the blog, but let's just run with it! So local environmental educator Noam Dolgin put pen to paper…

Transportation links and tidbits for Wednesday April 7

A photo of a 1925 B.C. Electric observation car from our archives. Click for a larger version! I found this picture above in our Buzzer archives and…

An interview with Oliver Neubert, CMBC maintenance planner and children’s book author!

Oliver Neubert! Oliver Neubert has been a maintenance planner with Coast Mountain Bus Company since 2007—but he’s also a children’s book author on…

Friday fun post: how do you pick up a free newspaper?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to share how you pick up a free newspaper. From last week: how would you like to see the Buzzer blog design…

The April Buzzer is now out!

The April 2010 Buzzer is now on all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express! Did you notice that the logo has changed, and there's a new…

An interview with Tamsin Dillon, director of London’s Art on the Underground program

Tamsin Dillon, head of the London Underground public art program. Yesterday, we were honoured to have Tamsin Dillon give a presentation at……

The Buzzer blog named one of 8 essential transit agency blogs!

L.A. Metro's The Source blog has named the Buzzer blog one of its top 8 essential transit agency blogs! (Also: recursion!) Wow --- the Source, which…

