Off-topic news: say hello to baby Linna

Hi everyone --- Jhen here with a quick non-transit update from my maternity leave :) Since some of you asked to be kept in the loop, I'm happy to…

Jeff Busby, manager of project planning, explains the Burnaby Mountain Gondola

TransLink’s study into a possible gondola up Burnaby Mountain has prompted a lot of conversation and questions about the idea since the blog post a…

We’re fixing our mobile site

Many of you have told us that our mobile site is in need of a facelift. Yes, we know we’re not going to win any awards for the current design. Well,…

Sapperton/United Boulevard Evalutation update

Now that the workshops of Phase 2 are done, this will be the last update on the Sapperton/United Boulevard Evaluation process. Although there was…

Victoria Day holiday service

Hey, it's the long weekend! What are you doing with your extra time? Not sure? Well, you could check out the Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair. Or…

Northern Voice 2011 Last week, I checked out the annual personal blogging and social media conference known as Northern Voice. The…

Reminder: Quayside Overpass Reroutes

Mondays take some adjusting to for a lot of us, and that's especially true if you use the C8 in New Westminister. Starting today, the southbound…

Links and Tidbits for May 13, 2011 Thanks to Timothy Choi and Scout Magazine for pointing me to the above video of a six-course meal on the…

Sapperton/United Boulevard Phase 2 workshops – a recap

Phase 2 of the Sapperton/United Boulevard Extension Transportation Planning Process has wrapped up. There were two workshops that took place on April…

Surrey Rapid Transit Study Phase 2 – mark your calenders!

As you've read on this blog, in partnership with the Province of BC, our staff have been working with the public and stakeholders on different…

Burnaby Mountain Gondola – Phase Two

Imagine you’re suspended over Whistler mountain, the hills of Medellín, Colombia, or maybe Interstate 5 in Portland. Now imagine you’re actually…

Sarah Taylor: Buzzer illustrator interview!

The illustrator for the May issue of the Buzzer is Sarah Taylor. We think her image of a Penny-farthing bicycle is quite enchanting! Read more about…

The results of the 2011 Buzzer blog reader survey

Just before Jhenifer left on maternity leave (sad for me, good for her), we posted a readers survey. In total, 225 people took the survey! Here's…

Win a pair of tickets to EP!C 2011

Andria S is the winner of the pair of tickets to EP!C 2011! She knew that CMBC’s anti-idling policy has reduced CO2 emissions by 1.365 million kg,…

Accessible transit – part 1

One of our goals at TransLink is to get more people in Metro Vancouver to do most of their trips by transit, walking and cycling. In fact, this is…

