Bus exchange improvements at 29th Avenue Station are complete!

Bus exchange improvements at 29th Avenue Station are complete!

The improvements to the bus exchange at 29th Avenue Station are now complete!
The improvements to the bus exchange at 29th Avenue Station are now complete!

Do you catch the bus at 29th Avenue Station? Improvements to the bus exchange are now complete!

The upgrades include:

  • A new bus bay to allow all buses to pick-up and drop-off within the bus loop
  • Design elements that meet CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) guidelines to make the bus loop safer and more secure, such as improved lighting, glass shelters and lower-profile landscaping
  • Three new crosswalks to improve safety and access to the bus loop and station
  • New signage to better direct customers, including tactile strips to meet accessibility standards

Our top priority is customer and staff safety and all of these improvements help support our goal of making everyone feel safe and comfortable on our system.

What do you think about the improvements to the bus exchange at 29th Avenue Station? Let us know in the comments below and at translink.ca/feedback!

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