Friday fun post: Buzzer trivia from 1962

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the Buzzer trivia from 1962. Last week's survey: how do you request a stop? Last week, I asked…

Sorry, that’s not us: other TransLinks around the world

We're not the only TransLink out there! Search for TransLink online, and you might find that we’re not the only transit-related TransLink out there.……

SeaBus stars in NBC’s 2010 Olympic countdown pin

The NBC 2010 Olympic pin. Look who made it onto the NBC 2010 Olympic countdown pin! A colleague picked this up from NBC headquarters in New York. It…

Guest post: Vancouver Transit and Art

Ink illustration by Peter R. Bach. Here's a lovely change of pace from all the Canada Line stuff. This is a guest post by Jason Vanderhill, who is an…

Capturing the Canada Line opening: on Twitter hashtags, photos and more

Zoom! Let's talk about covering the Canada Line on opening day! I know everyone will be taking photos, video, and Twittering like mad, so I'm hoping…

Photos from the Vancouver City Centre open house

One of the entrances to Vancouver City Centre Station on the Canada Line. Maybe it was the hot weather, maybe it was all the free samples of Jugo…

Tweet the location of the new SkyTrain

Twitter-users-slash-SkyTrain riders: I'm wondering if you guys might help out people who want to ride the new train. If you board it, could you…

More photos and video of the new SkyTrain car in action

The new SkyTrain car at Edmonds Station. Photo by Bryan Gal --- see a much larger version here. The new SkyTrain cars hit the system last Friday, and…

Photos from the Oakridge Station open house last weekend

Oakridge Station on the Canada Line, photographed by Dennis TT. Hello! I've come back as promised, bearing photos of the Oakridge Station open house…

Photos of the Golden Ears Bridge celebration this weekend

The crowded bridge deck at the Golden Ears Bridge opening celebration! Photo by CJ Stebbing. In honour of the Golden Ears Bridge opening this…

Two nice little changes on the TransLink website

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are two nice little changes on the main TransLink website. Trip planner now shows five trip options Five…

The SkyTrain map is back up on the website

The SkyTrain map is back! Folks, the SkyTrain map and travel times between stations have now been restored to the new TransLink website! Check it…

We’ve got a brand new TransLink website!

Check out the new TransLink website! The TransLink website has a whole new look --- check it out at! We’ve totally redesigned it to…

Plan your cycling trips with UBC’s online map tool

Want to bike somewhere in Metro Vancouver, but you don’t know the best route? There’s a cycling map tool from UBC that could help you out. It’s…

