Poll results on mobile site improvements: optimized performance and saving favourites rank high

Two weeks ago I posted a poll asking for your input on how to improve our mobile site. Everyone was allowed to vote for as many features as they…

Buzzer blogger away Mon Dec 20, back Tue Jan 4

Just a note to say I will be away on holiday starting Monday December 20, 2010! A few scheduled posts will go up in my absence, and I’ll be back to…

En Route: an exhibition of (transit!) paintings by Jessica Gabriel

Seabus Night View by Jessica Gabriel (6' x 4.5' oil, mixed media, carving on board) Just wanted to draw your attention to En Route, artist Jessica…

Holiday gift ideas for transit fans 2010

Last year, I did a short list of gift ideas for transit fans and thought I'd update it for 2010! As you can imagine, in my line of work, I tend to…

Our Twitter pilot: a great success so far!

Update, February 11, 2011: Yay: our Twitter pilot has been permanently extended! Update, February 1, 2011: The Twitter pilot has been extended to the…

2010 holiday parade reroutes for the weekend, Dec 4-5

Our reindeer bus, photographed by David Lam! Click the picture to see David's full gallery of reindeer bus photos. Santa will be busy for the next…

Links and tidbits for Thu Dec 2

Tidbits and links rounded up about transportation in the past week. These are fun. I promise. The video above is a very cool photo montage of a…


A screenshot of our new Recaptcha spam catcher, now installed on the blog! When the blog got its redesign in June 2010, it included a captcha, or a…

Winter bus service changes coming on Mon Dec 13, 2010

The reindeer bus is out and about for 2010! Photo thanks to David Lam. (Click the picture to see his full Reindeer Bus gallery!) Our regular winter…

Poll results: 86% line up at the bus stop, not the nearby shelter

In last week's fun poll, I asked whether you lined up at the bus shelter, or at the actual bus stop. There were 169 votes in the poll, and the vast…

Away Nov 19 and 22, back Tuesday

Just a note to say I will be away on Friday Nov 19 and Monday Nov 22! A few scheduled posts will go up in my absence, and I’ll be back to answer your…

CUTA 2010: electronic fare systems session

Title slide for the electronic fare systems session TransLink is hosting the 2010 Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) fall conference this…

CUTA 2010: Transit Oriented Development and Land Use Policies

The moderator for the Transit-Oriented Development session As mentioned, the Canadian Urban Transit Association's 2010 fall conference is in…

Reporting from the Canadian Urban Transit Association 2010 fall conference!

Just a quick heads up that I'm at the Canadian Urban Transit Association 2010 fall conference this week! TransLink is hosting the conference at the…

Links and tidbits for Fri Nov. 12

I support alternative transportation! And yes, that extends to brooms :) Taken by donnamatrix and used with permission! Just a couple of tidbits and…

