Province to build and assume ownership of new Pattullo Bridge

This morning, the Province announced they will fund and deliver the Pattullo Bridge replacement, including: A new four-lane Pattullo Bridge…

TransLink Wayfinding 101: who is the wayfinding team?

Phil Kehres and Jada Stevens, wayfinding specialists at TransLink This is part of our ongoing Wayfinding 101 series taking a closer look at…

2017—a record year for transit ridership in Metro Vancouver

Thank you to our customers for choosing us to get around in 2017! In 2017, ridership in Metro Vancouver reached a record-breaking 407 million…

Friday fun poll: on all-door boarding routes, do you board through the front, middle or back doors?

A lineup for the 99 B-Line at Commercial-Broadway Station. On January 1, we began piloting all-door boarding on the 95 and 96 B-Lines, joining the 99…

Evo at Braid Station

Connect to Evo Car Share at Braid and Columbia SkyTrain stations

The reserved parking stalls for Evo cars at Braid Station. A new partnership is making it easier for our customers to connect with Evo's carsharing…

Luggage racks deliver improved customer experience onboard the 620

The luggage lack onboard one of our articulated buses. Five articulated buses operating out of Richmond Transit Centre are now equipped with luggage…

Q&A: Bike Parkades support active transportation in Metro Vancouver

Derek Yau is a transportation engineer with TransLink. He looks after the region’s bike facilities. Did you know 107,000 trips are made each day by…

What is wayfinding?

TransLink Wayfinding 101: what is wayfinding?

This is the first post of our Wayfinding 101 series taking a closer look at wayfinding at TransLink, bringing you the ins and outs, and answers to…

Universal Fare Gate Access Program launches

Transit customers who are not able to tap a Compass Card at fare gates due to a disability will now have greater access to the SkyTrain system with…

Did you know there’s a time capsule at New Westminster Station?

Premier Bill Bennett seals commemorative time capsule as Ontario Premier David Peterson andNew Westminster Mayor Tom Baker look on. Our Transit…

Friday fun poll: do you prefer a window or aisle seat on transit?

Riding the bus while seated in the window seat! I recently came back from a trip to the United States and when you fly, often you get to choose where…

TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond looks at what’s ahead in 2018 on CBC Radio’s The Early Edition

TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond appeared on CBC Radio's The Early Edition on January 10. TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond appeared on CBC Radio One's The…

Links and Tidbits – January 5, 2018 Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last…

Year in Review: top-five stories on TransLink’s social media channels

We're preparing to turn the page on 2017, and recently looked back on some of the TransLink enterprise's milestones from the year. Today, we're…

Year in Review: a look at some of TransLink’s 2017 milestones

As 2017 comes to a close, The Buzzer blog's taking a look at some of TransLink's milestones from the year that was!

