Gearing up transit for snowy commutes

It's cold out there, make sure you're prepared before you leave home! Snow is in the forecast for tonight and we’re busy making sure our customers…

Preparing transit for winter conditions

I doubt we’ll get this much snow, but you never know! We've had a mild Fall in Metro Vancouver and so far the Winter has been the same. However,…

Custom transit, HandyDART, and the Taxi Pilot Project: what’s going on?

A HandyDART vehicle on the move. One of the topics we haven’t often addressed on the blog is the custom transit part of our transit services –…

BC Parkway improvements

A map of what will be under construction. More info here. I've got some great news to tell you. We're making some improvements to the BC Parkway!…

Share your thoughts on the draft 2014 Base Plan!

The cover of our draft 2014 Base Plan! It's that time of year again! We're looking for your feedback on our draft 2014 Base Plan and Outlook. By…

Fun Poll: What other electronic smart cards have you used?

Hello Buzzer readers! Metro Vancouver's Compass Card is coming soon If you have been following our recent posts, you probably know that we are now…

Roads & Bridges: Cycling infrastructure

We're devoting a handful of posts to the roads and bridges TransLink is responsible for in the region. For the basics on TransLink's roads and…

Introducing Borjana!

Greetings! Hi Buzzer readers. My name is Borjana and I recently joined TransLink to support the work of the Regional Transportation Strategy team. I…

Share your thoughts on downtown Vancouver bus service!

Trolley buses in downtown Vancouver. UPDATE: The Downtown Vancouver Local Bus Service Review: Phase 1 Consultation Summary is now online! We're…

Bike to Work Week 2013 commuter chronicles

Michelle Candido of TravelSmart We asked our friend with TravelSmart to write about her experience working at a celebration station during Bike to…

The last two days of the Leading the Way Youth Summit

Speed networking at the summit Wow, the last two days of the summit were a world wind! I really can't believe the weekend is already over. The summit…

Late-night Expo Line riders: plan for extra travel time after 8pm, starting Sun May 12, 2013

A SkyTrain near Main Street-Science World. Heads up, late-night Expo Line passengers! Starting Sunday, May 12, 2013 plan for an extra 10-15 minutes…

The May 2013 Buzzer is now on the system

It's the second Friday of the month, so that means the latest issue of the Buzzer newsletter is available on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast…

Life on transit: transit here and beyond

For March/April 2013, we're spotlighting Life on Transit---observing and illuminating the quirks and habits of daily transit rides around our…

Construction starting at Newton Exchange

If you catch the bus at Newton Exchange, you’ll likely notice some construction activity going on there over the next few months. TransLink is making…

