I Love Transit 2015: Julia and Tate tell us why they love transit

Julia and her family love taking transit! Julia Longpre reached out to the Buzzer team to tell us about her transit-going family. Although they can…

I Love Transit 2015: a fun-filled day at I Love Transit Camp (Kids)!

This year's I Love Transit Camp took campers between the ages of 8 and 12 years on a tour of SkyTrain Operations and Maintenance Centre,  Burnaby…

I Love Transit Week 2015 is here! Join the love and get a chance to win a prize!

Like a kid on Christmas morning, I am giddy with excitement to announce the official kick-off of our 7th annual I Love Transit week! Right on the…

Announcing I Love Transit Week 2015: Aug 31-Sept 4 – two camps and more!

It's time again to tell everyone why we love transit! For the seventh year in a row, we are dedicating our digital channels, the print Buzzer, time…

I Love Transit 2014: Your painting, cake, crossword, poem, letters, song, and video!

It’s I Love Transit Week and what makes this week so special are the riders sharing their transit with love us. We received many submissions, but…

I Love Transit 2014: A fun day at I Love Transit Camp!

It’s summer time and that means it’s time for camp…transit camp! Yup, this year for I Love Transit Week we organized an I Love Transit Camp for kids…

I Love Transit 2014: Jason Vanderhill, TransLinked and Illustrated Vancouver curator, guests posts

It’s I Love Transit Week and we’re lucky to have Jason Vanderhill, Translinked and Illustrated Vancouver, write a guest blog post for us sharing…

I Love Transit 2014: Pictures from the Transit Museum Society vintage bus event

It's I Love Transit Week and we kicked it off on Monday with a vintage bus from the Transit Museum Society at the EasyPark lot at Cambie and Georgia…

I Love Transit 2014: Sun Fang, VP of Maintenance, tells his story of SkyTrain

Sun Fang Sun Fang has been hailed as the ‘godfather of SkyTrain’ by his colleagues. You don't need to dig too deep to find out why. He's been at the…

I Love Transit 2014: Nathan Pachal, transit blogger, tells us why he loves transit

It's I Love Transit Week and we're chatting with Nathan Pachal, a man with many different hats. He's a broadcast engineer, urban commentator,…

I Love Transit 2014: Tell us why you love transit and you could win!

Post-its telling us why they love transit! Welcome to I Love Transit Week 2014, everyone! Yep—it’s the one week we take out of the year to celebrate…

I Love Transit 2014: Look for the vintage bus on Aug 25 in downtown Vancouver!

TRAMS' GMC TDH-4512 bus! Exciting news – we have more details to share about the upcoming I Love Transit Week! Look for the vintage bus on August 25…

I Love Transit 2014: Celebrate with us from August 25 to 29!

  Our sixth annual I Love Transit Week starts up in a couple of weeks time, from August 25-9. We’ll have stories, prizes, and more every day. See…

Join us for I Love Transit Camp – August 26, 2014!

  This is going to be fun! It's summer time and that means it's time for camp...transit camp! Yup, this year for I Love Transit week we're…

Announcing I Love Transit 2014: August 25-29!

  Drum roll please! Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum… Doo doo doo! Announcing – I Love Transit Week! If you haven’t heard about I Love Transit,…

