Friday fun trivia: what years are these tickets are from?

If you like, you can skip to the end of this post to see some classic transit tickets and tell us what year they're from! Results from last poll: how…

Thanks to everyone on the Canada Line tour today!

Our tour group at Waterfront Station, in front of the train! It's a bit blurry because the train was heading out of the station and we needed to snap…

Dunsmuir tunnel work is finished early this summer

Well look at that --- the Dunsmuir tunnel project finished up its summer work two days early, completing on Tuesday of this week! This means there…

Langara ads tout their transit connections: cool!

Langara College's new ads on the SkyTrain. You might have seen these ads around town: it's a new campaign from Langara College, which focuses on…

Winners of the Canada Line tour draw

I drew the names this afternoon, and congratulations to David, Marc, Kai, Bryan, Jennifer, and Hector! Winners: if you haven't heard from me by…

Summer spot: the Main Street Farmers Market

The Main Street Farmers Market in Thornton Park, near Main Street SkyTrain Station! As you might recall, I wanted to do some posts highlighting…

Six spots now available for Friday’s Canada Line tour

Here's a reminder to enter the draw for Friday's Buzzer blog tour of the Canada Line! And owing to some cancellations, I now have six spots to give…

The story of a Buzzer cover illustration (and more)

Woo -- I'm happy to point out that Raymond Biesinger, a great friend and talented artist, has spotlighted the Buzzer in his new illustration blog,…

Help raise funds for wildfire victims with SkyTrain, WestCoast Express, and Telus

Here's a release that just came out from the BC Rapid Transit Company, who operates SkyTrain and WestCoast Express: Help SkyTrain raise funds for…

Transit service to the HSBC Celebration of Light, Wed July 22

Fireworks from the HSBC Celebration of Light! We’ve scheduled service to help you get to and from the HSBC Celebration of Light fireworks festival on…

The CityNews List consults kids about bus improvements

For fun this morning --- here's a video from the CityNews List, consulting with a group of elite urban planners to find out what would make buses…

Grab a spot on the Buzzer blog’s Canada Line tour this Friday!

Yay --- after much begging, I've been finally able to arrange for a tiny Buzzer blog tour of the Canada Line, for this Friday, July 24 at 10 am-11…

Canada Line open house at Vancouver City Centre Station, Sat July 25, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Vancouver City Centre Station on June 2, 2009, photographed by Tafyrn Palecloud. Mark your calendars: InTransit BC hosts the last of its summer open…

Friday fun poll: how many bus stop numbers do you know by heart?

If you like, you can skip to the end of this post to answer the poll about how many bus stop numbers you've memorized. Results from last poll: where…

Sound Transit launches a new light rail line this weekend

Just wanted to congratulate Washington's Sound Transit today: they're opening their new Link light rail line this weekend! Watch the ad above to see…

