Travel tips and info for the first weeks of September

The first weeks of September are the busiest for Metro Vancouver roads and transit, so here's some tips and information to help get you on your way.…

Road Services Division fixes buses on the go

One of our Road Services Division vans! Our buses have a type of “first aid” help on the road now! It’s the role of the new Road Services Division…

Podcast: Angus McIntyre celebrates 40 years as a driver

Angus McIntyre celebrated 40 years as a bus driver on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Transit operator Angus McIntyre celebrated 40 years of driving…

Broadway Station upgrade progress from June-August 2009

The elevator has been completely removed at the platform level of Broadway Station in July! Here's the latest update on the Broadway Station upgrade…

Canada Line bus connections and September bus changes are now online

Bus connections to the Canada Line are coming on September 7, along with a few more bus service changes. As you may know, we'll be adjusting bus…

First official Canada Line service day numbers! Plus how to work the new ticket machines

It's Canada Line's first official service day! So far, we've had 9,000 trips between 5 to 9:30 a.m., then up to 23,000 by 12:40 p.m. and 33,000 by…

BePartofthePlan update: the final consultation report, and the 10-year transportation plan

Canada Line is on its way, yay! But I just want to keep you aware of a couple of key things that are still coming down the pipe here. Remember our…

Friday fun trivia: name this ticket’s year, part II!

If you like, skip to the end of this post to see another classic transit ticket and tell us what year it's from! Results from last week: what years…

The old elevator in Broadway Station is gone!

Notice anything different? Just a post to point out the old elevator in Broadway Station is gone! It's crazy how spacious it feels there now. (Here's…

Summer spot: the Main Street Farmers Market

The Main Street Farmers Market in Thornton Park, near Main Street SkyTrain Station! As you might recall, I wanted to do some posts highlighting…

Friday fun poll: how many bus stop numbers do you know by heart?

If you like, you can skip to the end of this post to answer the poll about how many bus stop numbers you've memorized. Results from last poll: where…

The Central Park Line: the very first interurban in greater Vancouver

A map of the Central Park Line, outlined on a 1936 Wrigley's transit map supplied by the Burnaby Village Museum. Today, I’m pleased to present a…

Friday fun poll: where do you keep your bus pass?

If you like, you can skip to the end of this post to answer the poll about where you keep your bus pass. Results from last poll: where do you stand…

The July Buzzer is out today!

The July 2009 Buzzer is now on all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express! In this issue, we've got a list of summer getaways you can take…

BePartofthePlan consultation: What we have heard so far

So our BePartofthePlan consultation period ends on June 30, but I thought you might be interested in what we’ve heard so far. Check out minutes and…

